What do you have for college students?
Christian Student Fellowship (CSF) at Virginia Commonwealth University is the collegiate ministry partnered with Area 10 Faith Community.
Their weekly gatherings:
WORSHIP Each week CSF gathers to foster a relationship with Christ and each other (the Church) through singing together, digging into the Word and praying together.
BIBLE STUDY Digging deep to find God’s message for transformation is the goal. CSF offers several opportunities throughout the week to be a part of a a Bible study.
SMALL GROUPS To foster community CSF offers small groups for all college students. These gatherings are more relational and designed for discussion.
Throughout the semester/year CSF also offers opportunities to get together for events, retreats, and service/missions trips. Above all, we're looking forward to getting to know and walking along side students as they journey with Him. For details check out the website (csfvcu.com).
Landon Elliott