Inside of Byrd Theatre in Carytown, Richmond, VA

What can I expect on a Sunday?

We intentionally create an environment where followers of Christ are challenged to grow in their faith, but in a way that anyone can understand.  No matter where you're at in your faith journey, there is a place for you here. Everything we do centers around Jesus and the Bible.


Our service is held at The Byrd Theatre, an amazing art-deco space with inspiring decor and the occasional sticky spot on the floor and broken seat. (Which is part of why we love it here.) Even though the space is dressed up with chandeliers and murals, you don't need to get dressed up to come. There's free on-street parking around Carytown on Sunday mornings, as well as a $1/day parking deck just behind the Byrd (at 18 S. Colonial Street).


Our 10:00 am service typically last 75 minutes (1h 15m). The service begins with our band leading songs that are a mix of updated hymns and current worship music. Following the music, we hear a message from the pastor that is both biblical and practical. You can listen to past messages by clicking here. Finally, we celebrate communion together and sing another worship song before heading out.


During Communion, those who profess their faith in Jesus are invited to commemorate the resurrection through a small sample of bread and juice that represents the body and blood of Christ. Everyone is welcome to sit or stand during this time and listen to the music, reflect on the day's message, or pray.


During worship at the Byrd Theatre, we also provide age-appropriate programming for newborns through elementary school children. You can learn more about our A10 KIDS programming by clicking here.

men shaking hands in lobby of Byrd Theatre in Carytown, Richmond, VA

How can I “find my people” at Area 10?

While Sunday mornings are a great time to come together to worship, sometimes it can be easy to get lost in the crowd. We have lots of different avenues for you to start meeting people and cultivate your own community at Area 10. Here are a few ways to start:

speech bubble saying "Starting Point"

Sign Up for Starting Point:

Starting Point is an 8-session small group conversation about faith. Whether you're new to faith, curious about God, or coming back to church after some time away, it's a place where your opinions and beliefs are valued and no question is off limits. This includes video teaching, personal reflection questions and group discussion. We launch a new Starting Point group approximately every 2-3 months, depending on demand.

group of people smiling

Join a Small Group:

Our small groups start-up in the Spring and Fall of each year. These groups are a great way to connect to the Area 10 community while also continuing to grow in your faith. They meet in homes throughout the week in different parts of the city.

Jump in on A10 Summer of Fun:

Richmond is an awesome place to live, with plenty of things to do in the city and surrounding areas. Over the summer, our community works together to plan a lot of great opportunities to connect with others in the community over common hobbies and interests.

people standing on rocks in the James River in Richmond Va