We are here for you…
Parenting is not easy, but you already know that. What you might not know is that Area Faith Community is here to help your family grow in your faith together, as you disciple your children to love God and follow Jesus.
We have put together a variety of resources for parents of kids at ALL ages, from books and articles, videos and podcast, to apps that help you lead your children as you live your life in example of what it means to follow Jesus.
To access your specific parent resources, simply click the photo above for your children’s age group.
Take the family Discipleship challenge
Parenting is not a job, it is a calling that God has placed on your life and a wonderful one at that! But it’s more than just keeping them alive when they’re getting into everything, or simply making sure they grow up to be ‘good’ people in society with successful lives (which could mean a lot of things).
As Christian parents, you are also called to disciple your children in the ways of the Lord and lead them in a way that will help them decide to follow Jesus for themselves one day. We’ve created a few challenges for you do together as a family, each of which is customizable and is intended to be completed in one month, with the hope that you will be able to keep parts of each challenge in your daily habits as a family. Take on one at at a time or a couple of them if you’re feeling up for it. What’s important is that you make these a priority in your family: reading the Bible together daily, praying together, sabbathing (yup, that’s a verb now) together, and worshiping God together. Your kids will have to make their own decision one day to follow Jesus, and the church is here to help, but it’s ultimately up to parents to lead and model a Jesus-centered life that they will desire to take up for themselves.
Join us upcoming Faith & Family Workshops, where we go over a variety of topics to help parents not only raise their children well, but to also disciple them along the way. Click the link below to see any upcoming workshops or view video recordings of previous ones.