“Just follow your heart” sounds like great advice, and we give that advice all the time in American culture. But is following your heart actually a great idea? And specifically when it comes to decisions about how you spend your money, should you just follow your heart? Jesus actually teaches us the opposite. In this message we will talk about money as we examine our own hearts.
09.25.16 BEYOND - Community Impact
The message of Christ is good news, but it's not just good news for individuals, it's good news for the whole city. In this message we'll look at how the early church made a huge impact on the city of Ephesus and how we can also make an impact in city of Richmond for generations to come.
09.18.16 BEYOND - Committed Leaders
No matter who you are, someone is probably watching you to see how you do things and how you live your life? So how are you leading other people—at work, school, home or church? We need strong leaders to change the world. In this message we'll take a learn what commitment looks like from some leaders and what are three characteristics of that commitment.
09.11.16 - BEYOND - Changed Lives
Are you a dreamer? Do you have big hopes and aspirations?—or have you given up on those? In this message we will see look at how God exceeds our hopes and dreams and how he changes peoples lives both in the New Testament city of Philippi and in our own city of Richmond.
09.04.16 Facing Your Fears
Fear is a universal human emotion and experience. At times it can protect us, but more often that not it hinders us from living our lives in the way God intended. How can we learn to deal with fear?
08.28.16 That You May Believe - Losing a Friend
Most of us have lost someone close to us, and at that moment Christians say so many things to be helpful in those moments. But the truth is…death is awful and it hurts. How does Jesus handle losing a friend? We'll look at how he deals with the death of his friend Lazarus and learn some important principles for us to help navigate pain and loss in our own lives.
08.21.16 That You May Believe - Listening to His Voice
How does God communicate with us? How can we hear Him? Why don’t we often hear Him? In this message we will dive into how we can recognize God’s voice in our daily lives.
08.14.16 That You May Believe - The Good Shepherd
Despite our best intentions and intelligence, we seem to easily wander away from what is good for us. Whether it’s our health, finances or relationships, we can easily go down the wrong path. Why is that? And what can we do about it? Is it a lack of information or willpower, or something bigger? Jesus understood why we are prone to stray and shared a simple solution to what feels like an impossible problem.
08.07.16 That You May Believe - Healing the Pain
Jesus has an encounter with a blind man where he heals the man and causes quite a stir. But more important for us than just this healing is what the situation tells us about the source of our own pain. Why do bad things happen? Is it God’s fault? Is it our fault? In this message we'll look at the source of pain and suffering, and also talk about how we can handle it as followers of Jesus.
07.31.16 That You May Believe - People of the Light
Jesus claimed to be a lot of things that don’t make a lot of sense to us. He claimed to be Living Water, the Bread of Life, and this week we look at his claim to be the Light of the World. What does that mean and why does it matter? It turns out it matters a great deal since he also told us that we're to be the light of the world. In this message we look at the implications of all that.
07.24.16 That You May Believe - Radical Grace
Jesus had an encounter with a woman who had committed adultery, an act punishable by death. But Jesus shows her a radical form of grace and in the process challenges all of us to our core about what it means to be truthful and loving in a world so in need of both. If you’ve ever done wrong and if you’ve ever felt guilty, this is the message for you.
07.17.16 That You May Believe - Living Water
Miracle-Worker. Madman. Prophet. Phony. Jesus was called this and more during His time on earth- but how does your opinion of Him change as you actually try to live out what He taught?
07.10.16 That You May Believe - Tough to Stomach
Our hunger can make us desperate and willing to settle. Have you ever gone grocery shopping when you’re really hungry? When we’re spiritually hungry we can do the same thing and settle for things that won’t truly satisfy. In this message Jesus challenges the crowd to be satisfied in Him alone and hunger no more. Sadly many walk away and willing to settle for less. Are you going to walk away or be satisfied in Christ alone?
07.03.16 That You May Believe - Feeding the Crowds
Power is something so highly sought after in our culture, but what does real power look like? What does God given power look like? Why do we so often not experience it? In this message we'll look at God’s power that was on display in Jesus when he miraculously fed thousands of people and how we can access that power ourselves.
06.26.16 That You May Believe - Authority
All of us love our independence. We like to be the people in charge of our own destinies, but the truth is, all of us live under authority. Whether it’s from government, or employers or parents, we all live under the authority of someone else. In this passage from John 5, Jesus asserts his identity as God in the flesh and challenges us to submit to his ultimate authority in our lives.
06.19.16 That You May Believe - The Most Important Question
All of us want to change something in our lives. We want to grow, change, accomplish, achieve, etc., but oftentimes we get stuck in that transformation process. And one big reason we get stuck is because we don’t really ask ourselves the most important question. In this message we’ll look at the time Jesus healed a man at a pool in Jerusalem. Jesus didn’t just heal this man. Jesus challenged his thinking and today He challenges our by asking the most important question.
06.12.16 Relationslips - Friends
Friendships are some of the most important relationships we have in our lives. Who we're close friends with will have a big influence on who we're becoming. In this final message from this series, we'll be looking at the most important things to consider in our friendships.
06.05.16 Relationslips - Co-workers
God created us all with a desire to find satisfaction in our work and recognition and our connection from our peers. But how do we navigate the dangers of putting too much of our identity in our careers or some of the relationship tensions that can occur in the workplace?
05.29.16 Relationslips - Parenting
Few topics bring up as much heat as parenting. How do we do it? What should we do? What should we definitely not do? But behind all those issues of strategy is the bigger issue of purpose. Why did God set children into families and what is the purpose of parenting? In this message, Chris and Abby Barras co-teach timeless truths about parenting from an ancient text in the Bible.
05.22.16 Relationslips - Marriage
One of the key relationships that God has given to mankind is marriage. But if God invented marriage, what was it invented for? What’s the point? In this message, Chris will be joined by his wife Abby and they will talk through marriage and how God’s design plays out in the context of a modern marriage.