11.20.16 - Home for the Holidays

What does it mean to have a home and be part of a family? What does it mean when we say that we're part of God’s family? How's that true? If God has made us part of His family, what responsibility comes with that? In this question we'll look at this idea of what home really means and we'll be talking about kids in our state who aren’t able to live with the families they were born into.

10.23.16 That You May Believe - Politics and Power

As election season approaches, people get pretty tense and concerned about the outcome of the elections. Governmental policies affect us all. In ancient Israel the people had the same concerns. Into a tense political environment came a man named Jesus Christ who challenged the seat of power and showed the world what true power looks like. In this message we will look at a conversation Jesus had with some people in Jerusalem who were pinning all their hopes on Jesus to be a certain type of leader.

10.09.16 BEYOND - Break the Jar

What does it look like to honor God with all we have and to be generous beyond reason? In this message we look at John 12 where a friend of Jesus pours an extravagant amount of perfume on him. In this account we see some principles of worship and honor. This message wraps up our BEYOND Campaign as we commit to giving towards a new future for Area 10.

10.02.16 BEYOND - Matters of the Heart

“Just follow your heart” sounds like great advice, and we give that advice all the time in American culture. But is following your heart actually a great idea? And specifically when it comes to decisions about how you spend your money, should you just follow your heart?  Jesus actually teaches us the opposite. In this message we will talk about money as we examine our own hearts.

08.14.16 That You May Believe - The Good Shepherd

Despite our best intentions and intelligence, we seem to easily wander away from what is good for us. Whether it’s our health, finances or relationships, we can easily go down the wrong path. Why is that? And what can we do about it? Is it a lack of information or willpower, or something bigger? Jesus understood why we are prone to stray and shared a simple solution to what feels like an impossible problem.

08.07.16 That You May Believe - Healing the Pain

Jesus has an encounter with a blind man where he heals the man and causes quite a stir. But more important for us than just this healing is what the situation tells us about the source of our own pain. Why do bad things happen? Is it God’s fault? Is it our fault? In this message we'll look at the source of pain and suffering, and also talk about how we can handle it as followers of Jesus.

07.10.16 That You May Believe - Tough to Stomach

Our hunger can make us desperate and willing to settle. Have you ever gone grocery shopping when you’re really hungry? When we’re spiritually hungry we can do the same thing and settle for things that won’t truly satisfy. In this message Jesus challenges the crowd to be satisfied in Him alone and hunger no more. Sadly many walk away and willing to settle for less. Are you going to walk away or be satisfied in Christ alone?