07.09.17 - Rewrite Your Future - A New Way Forward

Do you have a vision for your life? Do you know what God is calling you to? Do you know where you want to go in the next year, 5 years or 10 years? If you're feeling stuck in your life, it's highly likely that you aren’t really clear on where you want to go. What does it look like to really develop a vision for your life—to get crystal clear on what you are here for and where this is all headed?  Using the Parable of the Talents as a backdrop, we'll examine why we should develop a clear vision and get some guidance on how to do it.

07.02.17 - Formula Free

Did you like math in school? Seems like people either loved it or hated it. However you may have felt about math, you probably found yourself attracted to formulas. Not the algebra from school, but the ones you learned growing up...like study + work hard = good grades. We were taught that if we do this plus that then we should expect a certain outcome. But is that true? And how does that apply to our faith? Is there a formula to reach God? Maybe Jesus had something different in mind. Join us Sunday to find out.

06.25.17 Rewrite Your Future - Bound to Your Past

In order to rewrite our future we're going to need to look at our past. This means we're going to deal with our regrets and pain. In this message we'll take a deep dive into the concept of forgiveness as Jesus teaches it in Matthew 18. We'll see what forgiveness does for us and why it's so crucial for us to be able to move forward. We will also examine the idea of trust and what it means to trust again when we have been hurt.

06.04.17 - Rewrite Your Future - Ready or Not, Here it Comes

Your future is approaching, but what kind of future will it be? As you look down the road of your life…5 …10 years do you like where it's headed? Or do you long for something else? Not something better- because better is just a word that talks about a relationship to your past. As you look down the road, what does a completely new future look like?  And how do you rewrite a future that seems to be already written? In this first message we'll look at this idea of rewriting our futures and how one ancient man was given the chance to rewrite his future and learn from the choices he made.

05.28.17 Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone

So what does getting out of our comfort zone look and serving our neighbor look like? Do we have to quit our jobs and start a non-profit? Sometimes it feels like that's the only option to make a difference in our world. But that isn't true. In this message we'll hear from people at Area 10 who are finding creative ways to share a love beyond reason with those around them.

05.21.17 Get Out There - Out of Your Neighborhood

Richmond, VA - A city that’s easy to love.  While we all love RVA, there are some challenges here. If God is calling us to reach the world with the message of God then we need to start in our own city. In this message we'll look at how our own biases come into play when we think of our own city and we will look at how God pushes out of our neighborhoods and even out of the country to share the Good News.

05.14.17 Get Out There - Out of Your House

Being a good neighbor--is that even something we think about anymore?  We used to think about it. We used to know what it meant to be neighborly, but now we don’t even know our neighbors' names. In this series we are looking at Jesus’ call to “Get Out There” and share our faith. What if we simply started by stepping outside of our house and building a friendship with our neighbors?

05.07.17 Get Out There - Out of Your Zone

Comfort and security are big parts of modern American life. We want to be comfortable. But what if some of the greatest things in life happen because we were willing to get uncomfortable? What is our need to be comfortable costing us? In this new series, we'll look at Jesus’ call for us to tell others about Him. He calls us to get out there and make Him known. In this first message we'll address how uncomfortable that can be.

04.23.17 - That You May Believe

Jesus rose from the dead. Is that so hard to believe? Well, in our modern American culture the answer is, Yes! But the truth is, it was hard for people to believe in 1st century Israel also. In this message, we'll look at one guy who was close to Jesus who wanted more proof that he had really come back from the dead. His skepticism mirrors our own. So we will look at his story and look at why John wrote all this down for us.

04.16.17 TYMB - Seeing the Unseen

This Sunday we celebrate Easter which has nothing to do with a bunny but everything to do with the greatest man who ever lived--Jesus Christ. His story can change our story, but we have to know it and understand. We all have a way of seeing the world.  We all see things we want to see and ignore the things we don’t want to see. In this message we're going to look at the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and perhaps see it in a new light.

04.09.17 TYMB - The Crucifixion

Familiarity breeds unfamiliarity. The crucifixion and the resurrection of Jesus are the two most important things that happened in Jesus’s life. However, because we’ve often heard about these events before, we sometimes tend to gloss over them or forget the powerful lessons to learn from those two events. In this message, we we'll look at the crucifixion of Jesus as recorded in the Gospel of John and see what difference the crucifixion makes in our lives today.

03.26.17 TYMB - What is Truth?

Our world is doing some pretty bizarre things with truth right now. It seems as if facts and alternative facts are leading people to just throw their hands up and wonder what is even true anymore or if we can know any truth at all. The reality is, there has always been uncertainty about truth. This isn't necessarily a new thing. In this message we'll look at Jesus under trial when he stands before the Roman leader Pontius Pilate who famously asks “What is truth?”

03.12.17 TYMB - The Prayer

Before Christ was arrested, we have his longest recorded prayer in the scriptures.  What did he pray about? What did he care about? What difference does it make to us?  In this message we'll look at this prayer and in particular, examine his call for unity in the church and how we can be unified as a faith community.