08.01.21 - Ephesus: Abandoned Love

"He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches."

In the book of Revelation, John records a vision: a message from Jesus Christ to seven of the churches existing in modern-day Turkey. His message to those churches still applies to us today. This past Sunday, August 1st, we began a new message series, SEVEN, where we will listen for what the Spirit is still saying to believers today.

07.25.21 - Choosing What Is Best

So much of life gives us options, not between good and evil or right and wrong, but between better and best. How do we sort through those kinds of choices? In this message, we will wrap up our series from I Corinthians 10 and look at Paul’s framework for his life. How can followers of Jesus choose what is best consistently? What principles can we look to when making those decisions?

You can watch the service in full on our YouTube channel by clicking here.

07.11.21 - Becoming All For All

We live in a culture that tells us life is all about us - that we are the center of the universe - but Christianity points us in a different direction. It challenges us to make our lives about God and other people. In this message, we will look at the challenge from the apostle Paul to the church in Corinth to become all things for all people and be disciplined in how we live.

You can watch the service in full on our YouTube channel by clicking here.

07.04.21 - Embrace Your Limits

All of us have limitations. There are things we just can’t do. And those limitations often cramp our sense of freedom. As much as we believe in our country that we can do whatever we want, the truth is- there are limits. In this message, we will look at the Apostle Paul teaching the church in Corinth about some limitations he willingly embraces, and we will look at how we can flourish when we embrace those limitations.

You can watch the service in full on our YouTube channel by clicking here.

06.27.21 - Read the Room

Americans love freedom. We especially love it this time of the year as we prepare to eat brats and blow up some fireworks. But freedom comes with some limitations. What are those limitations? What does it mean to have rights AND responsibilities? The early followers of Jesus ran into all sorts of problems with their newfound freedoms in Christ.

Watch this service in full by clicking here to view on our YouTube channel.

06.20.21 - The Main Thing

There are so many voices attempting to convince us that what they have to say is of utmost importance. There are so many influencers who want us to prioritize their content, product, and social media platform. With this comes a lot of confusion as to what in life is really of the highest importance. This Sunday, we will talk about what the Bible says needs to be our priority so we can experience lives that are full, free, and enriched in every way.

You can watch the service in full on our YouTube channel by clicking here.

06.06.21 - More Than Sex

This Sunday, Topher & Leanne Lytle take the Byrd Theatre stage to tackle a topic that is rarely discussed openly in churches. As Paul dives into what healthy marital relationships actually look like in the book of 1 Corinthians, so will we! In this message, we will look at the joys, struggles, and even the obligations we have to one another in fostering a healthy, biblical marriage. If you're single or not married, don't worry! We'll have a few things to say that apply to you too!

You can watch the service in full on our YouTube channel by clicking here.

05.30.21 - Outside the Lines

Healthy relationships are hard to come by. We curate our insta-feeds. We show our support with a double-tap. We silence dissenting voices with the click of a button. We can end a relationship with a text message. In this new sermon series, we will talk about how we can "stop the scroll" and "swipe right" (say yes) to healthy relationships.

Probably no topic is more controversial in American culture over the last decade than sexuality and gender. How do we decide what is true on those topics? And when we realize what is true, how do we communicate that truth in love? In this message, we will look at Paul’s message of hope for same-sex attracted people and see how his words challenge all of us.

You can watch the service in full on our YouTube channel by clicking here.

05.23.21 - Framework

Healthy relationships are hard to come by. We curate our insta-feeds. We show our support with a double-tap. We silence dissenting voices with the click of a button. We can end a relationship with a text message. In this new sermon series, we will talk about how we can "stop the scroll" and "swipe right" (say yes) to healthy relationships.

Sex is one of the most talked-about and debated issues in our culture. On the one hand, Americans say it is not a big deal and is basically a form of recreational activity. On the other hand, Americans act as if our sexual identity and choices are one of the most important things about us. In this message, we will look at the framework that God gives us for sex in the New Testament book of 1st Corinthians.

You can watch the service in full on our YouTube channel by clicking here.

05.16.21 - Only God Can Judge Me

Sometimes it seems the worst sin in American culture is to “judge” someone else, but what does it really mean to judge? Should we never judge? And what does judgment have to do with drawing healthy boundaries for ourselves? In this message, we will look at the apostle Paul’s words about judgment from 1 Corinthians 4 and see if we can find a healthy place not to judge others but still be discerning people.

You can watch the service in full on our YouTube channel by clicking here.

05.09.21 - Ordinary People

Americans have a lot of ambition, and that can be a very good thing. But at the end of the day, what kind of people are we trying to be? The Apostle Paul sees division in the church at Corinth, and he gives them advice about how they should be, and his advice is very timely for us today. In this message, we will look at the kind of servanthood that God calls us to.

You can watch the service in full on our YouTube channel by clicking here.

05.02.21 - The Spiritual Mind

One of the most important skills in life that we develop is the ability to choose our thoughts. In the letter to the church at Corinth, Paul tells us that followers of Jesus have something known as the mind of Christ. What is that? How do we have it? How does that help us with choosing our thoughts? In this message, we will walk through those ideas and give practical tips for developing the mind.

You can watch the service in full on our YouTube channel by clicking here.

04.25.21 - The Cross and Its Power

The cross is one of the most recognizable symbols around the world. But what does it mean for us? Does it matter in the 21st century? In Paul's letter to the church at Corinth he tells us that the cross is power. In this message, we will look at the power of the cross and see why that power is a key ingredient for us today as we strive to keep it together in a crazy world.

You can watch the service in full on our YouTube channel by clicking here.

04.11.21 - Stick Together

There are a lot of forces pulling us in different directions. Politics, social issues, work, family, church: it seems that everywhere we look, something competes for our time, money, and energy. How can we hold it together under so much pressure? In Paul’s first letter to the church in Corinth, he writes to a church that looks very similar to the American church. They were having a tough time keeping themselves (or the church) together. Sound familiar? Join us to hear some wisdom from God on how to steady our chaotic lives.

03.28.21 - Key Change (Decision)

Every so often in life, a line gets drawn for us in the sand. We face a do-or-die kind of moment where we are asked to make a choice. God gives us those kinds of moments also: He gives us opportunities to shift our way of being and kick it up a notch. In this message, we will look at how the ancient Israelites were given that kind of opportunity from God and we will learn about some ways we can respond to God’s call.

You can also watch this service in full on our YouTube channel.

03.21.21 - Falling Flat (Confession)

What a person does when they make a mistake can tell you a lot about their character. Do they try and cover up the error, or do they own up to it and try to make amends? Confession is an essential part of the Christian life, but what does it actually mean? What does the process actually look like? And how does it actually help us? In this message, we look at the value of confession and the honest change it brings to our lives.