03.20.22 - Sabbath

What does it look like to unplug for a while? Of course, we all say we want to do that. We all desire some downtime. But how often do we try to unplug without really unplugging? How often do we rest but don’t end up feeling rested? In this message, we will look at the ancient practice of Sabbath-ing and how this old idea can help us today navigate the insanity of our world.

03.06.22 - Slow Down

This week we begin a new message series called "Fast & Slow". where we will discuss the number one challenge facing Christians in their daily walk with Jesus: Hurry. (Are you surprised?) When we rush from one event or activity to another, we don't leave space for God to speak to us and actually transform our hearts. In this message series, as we approach Easter, we will talk about how to eliminate hurry from our lives and how to keep pace with Jesus, walking through life at a slower pace that allows us to love people well.

02.20.22 - Integrity

Who are you when no one is looking? On the one hand, it’s easy to convince ourselves that it doesn’t matter. We can be whoever we want to be when we are on our own. But on the other hand, who we are when no one is looking is a more accurate measure of who we are since we are not performing for others at that moment. In this message, we will look at the lies we hear in culture about integrity and learn a lesson from how Jesus handled an integrity challenge.

02.13.22 - Intimacy

We hear many lies in our culture - through social media, television, and friends. But not all of the lies affect us directly, and some of them are about things we don’t care about, but some lies penetrate our hearts and move us to action. In this message, we will look at matters of the heart, how these lies deceive our hearts, and what we can do to avoid that.

02.06.22 - Identity

“To thine own self be true” is the oft-quoted famous Shakespeare line. And it sounds like good advice. But how do you know your “own self”? Who are you... really? In some ways, the answer to that question is one of the most important questions you will ever face. In this week's message, we will look at how we are being lied to about our identity and look to some wisdom from the scriptures that help us undo those lies.

01.23.22 - Die (to self)

Everyone dies, but no one talks about it. In our culture, we get uncomfortable with the idea that we will die, so we don’t prepare for it. Jesus taught us that death was an essential part of life and that the process of dying is a daily thing. This message looks at how this daily-death process helps us keep perspective and keep our heads on straight in a world gone mad.

12.19.21 - Love All

The Christmas season is often associated with love ("Love Actually", anyone?) - Why is that? What is it about the birth of Jesus that is so loving? In this message, we will look at how the birth of Jesus challenges us to be more loving, and we will talk about practical steps to live out in love.

You can listen to this podcast version of the message on our website or on iTunes, or you can watch the full service on our YouTube page by clicking here.

12.12.21 - Give More

Christmas is a season of giving, so we buy presents and give them to friends and family to show our love. The first Christmas was also a season of giving where God gave his son to humanity, and wise men responded by giving him gifts. In this message, we will look at how we have to offer at Christmas and do so in a way that truly honors Jesus.

Click here to watch the full service >>

Listen to this week’s message here:

12.05.21 - Spend Less

Advertising this time of year kicks into high gear. We are encouraged to go out and spend big to "capture the magic" of the Christmas season. Yet the first Christmas came with no such magic (or at least, not magic that money could buy). In this message, we will look at King Herod and the culture of Israel that Jesus was born into and see how we can resist the dark parts of that culture in our modern world.

Listen to this week’s message here:

Click here to watch the full service >>

11.21.21 - Prophecy

If someone said they had the gift of prophecy or they were going to bring a prophetic word, would that freak you out? The idea of prophecy often kicks up weird ideas of fortune-telling and predicting the future, but in the scripture, prophecy doesn’t necessarily function that way. In this week's message, we will look at prophecy and how God gifts us to be prophetic.

11.14.21 - Get Your Heart Right

Sometimes in life, we know all the right things, say all the right things, do all the right things, but if we are missing one essential thing... it can all count for nothing. In this week's message, we will talk about how none of our accomplishments, good deeds, or virtue signaling matters if love is not what is driving all that we do. And in a day and age where we would rather define love in our own way, Paul lays out how God defines love in 1 Corinthians 13.