03.12.23 - Legacy: The Challenge

Being a parent is hard work; in some ways, it seems like it’s getting more complex every day. The internet and social media bring ideas into your home that most parents throughout history never had to think about. In this message, we will look at the challenges of raising kids in the faith and how the scriptures point us to even deeper realities we must deal with. We will also look at some strategies to handle these challenges.

02.19.23 - Gentleness Over Outrage

We sure love getting outraged at things in our culture, don't we? Whether it's political parties, school boards, public health policies, or some stunt that your sister tried to pull at thanksgiving this year: We all have things that trigger us and kick up the rage. But is there a better way? Jesus taught that there is a way to be gentle, even in the face of the things that prompt rage. In this message, we will look at how Jesus was gentle with a woman who had done a pretty bad thing. And we will learn some ways we can be more gentle in our daily lives.

02.12.23 - Faithfulness Over Forgetfulness

“We make our promises, and then our promises make us.” It almost seems like a lost art to stay faithful to our promises. But the truth is a steadfast, long-term commitment to things in life (marriage, exercise, spiritual growth) brings incredible results. In this message, we will look at why we become unfaithful and at a few time-tested disciplines that can help us grow in faithfulness.

01.29.23 - Patience Over Impatience

We want it all. And we want it now! And we live in a culture trying to give that to us. Microwaved food. 5G internet. Next-day delivery. Our culture trains us to expect everything to come to us quickly. But what if the best things in life are slow? What if it’s true that good things come to those who wait? In this message, we will look at the New Testament teaching on patience and how we can get more of it in our lives.

01.15.23 - Joy Over Comparison

What does it mean to have joy? And is that something we can lose? Is it possible for circumstances to rob us of joy? Is it an emotional state of being or something deeper? Also, what is the source of joy, and how do we get more joy? This Sunday, January 15th, we will continue our Vintage series, talking about joy as the fuel for the soul and how to be filled with more joy in our daily lives.

01.08.23 - Love Over Despair

Our culture is obsessed with the latest and greatest—the things that are new and hot. And yet, some of the best things in life are pretty old. We find this unexpected truth in music, fashion, architecture, and more. It’s also true about how we live. Those values by which we choose to live? We don’t need new ones. Instead, we need to recover some old ones because humanity hasn’t changed much in thousands of years. In this series, we will look at eight critical vintage character qualities that God wants to grow in our lives and examine how our digital age works against those qualities.

12.18.22 - All Is Bright

This is the season of lights: Tacky light tours, not-so-tacky lights, just tons of lighting everywhere. (All of which spreads the most Christmas cheer to Dominion power!) Part of the reason we use lights to celebrate the birth of Jesus is that Jesus claims to be the “light of the world,” and the gospel of John tells us that Jesus’s birth brings light and life to all men. In this message, we will consider what that means for us today and look to a future where all will truly be bright.

11.20.22 - Generous

Are you a generous person? If so, how do you know? What does it even mean to be generous? Is it about time, money, or something else? This week's message will looked at God's generosity and what God calls us to as we approach this season of giving.

We apologize for the technical difficulties that resulted in the inability to livestream this message on Sunday, November 20th. We were able to capture the video and most of the audio and post-produce it to the best of our ability. Unfortunately the recorded sound cut out about 10 minutes before the end of the message, so the remaining audio will be the room audio the camera was able to capture.

11.13.22 - What's Your Something?

It’s easy to get overwhelmed by all the pain and suffering in the world. We are more aware than ever of so many problems that are out there. And our typical reaction to that is to unplug and try not to think about it. But there are some struggles in the world close to home where we can make a real difference. So in this message, we will look at something that hits very close to home in Virginia and see how God calls us to step up for those who are hurting.

11.06.22 - The Bigger Story

Are we just little lumps of carbon who roam this earth for 70-or-so years, and then we are dead and forgotten? Is there any meaning to our lives? Or are we a part of a bigger story? The ending of the book of Ruth shows a God who works behind the scenes for our good. In this message, we will look at the final lessons learned from Ruth about how God is at work and how they point to a savior.

10.23.22 - A Woman of Character

We all go through seasons of pain, sorrow, and even death. Some of these seasons of change are harsher than others, and we wonder if we will ever really feel hopeful again. What do we do when we can't see how God is working in our lives? How do we move forward in our lives when everything seems dark? And how can we continue to be people of noble character, even if our life situations don't make it any easier? In this message, we will continue following the story of Ruth and Naomi, and see how God continuously provides and brings us through hard times, even if we don't see or feel him.