Sometimes we lose our way. It could be in life, a career, or a relationship; We just get off track. We aren’t where we need to be. This week we will look at what is probably the most famous psalm of all, Psalm 23, and see how it guides us like a shepherd guides his sheep when they are lost.
10.29.23 - Psalm 19: When We Can't Hear God
Loads of people talk about hearing from God. Do you ever wonder what they are on about? Can we even hear from God... really? How does that work? In this message, we will look in an unlikely place - Psalm 19 - to see how God communicates to us.
10.22.23 - Psalm 91: When We're in Trouble
Sometimes, we find ourselves in a pretty hard spot. The economy has taken a downturn. We’ve messed up. We’ve lost a relationship. Things look pretty grim. Where can we go in times of trouble? In this message, we will look at three things God has given us as places of refuge when things go south.
10.15.23 - Psalm 32: When We've Blown It
Glancing at your social media will remind you that things are a little crazy. Sometimes, it seems like little sanity remains in the world. Where do we go when it feels this way? In this message, we will look at a Psalm that helps us recenter when things go off the rails.
10.08.23 - Psalm 37: When Things Get A Little Crazy
Glancing at your social media will remind you that things are a little crazy. Sometimes, it seems like little sanity remains in the world. Where do we go when it feels this way? In this message, we will look at a Psalm that helps us recenter when things go off the rails.
10.01.23 - Psalm 1: A Well-Rooted Life
Sometimes, we learn the most profound truths from song lyrics. We've all had that experience of a song that gets stuck in our heads but ends up reminding us of a real truth. In this series, "The Songs that Jesus Sang," we will look at the Old Testament book of Psalms. These Psalms or songs would've been very familiar to him, and he probably could sing them by heart.
9.24.23 - Jesus's Body and Ours
In a world where we struggle with our own bodies - the way they look, they feel, how we care for them - what difference does Jesus make to that? In this final message of the series, we will look at the man Jesus, who had a body like ours, and see how HIS body actually gives us hope for our own.
9.17.23 - Trauma & Drama
Do our bodies keep the score? There has been a lot of talk in the last few years about trauma and how it affects our bodies. In this message, we will look at the concept of trauma, how it affects our bodies, and how God can heal us in those places where we are most hurt.
9.10.23 - Jesus & Gender
Is there any topic in our current culture that is more controversial than gender? Between male and female roles in society, gender stereotypes, and transgenderism, a lot is going on in the Western world around this topic. In this message, we will look at what our bodies tell us about who we are as men and women and the implications for the gender conversation in America today.
09.03.23 - Disordered Priorities
What is the main thing that motivates you, day after day? What drives you forward when nothing else will? What keeps you focused? And what happens when you find out that your number one priority... shouldn't be?
08.27.23 - The Body of Desire
We all have desires that are deep within us. We don’t just want things with our brains. We want things with our bodies. What do we do with those desires? Are they good or bad? What do they tell us about who we are and how we were made? In this message, we will dive into those questions and learn how God designed us.
08.20.23 - How We View The Body
If our bodies could talk, what would they tell us? Maybe they would tell us what foods they really want, or perhaps to move around a little more. Our bodies are trying to tell us some things if we are willing to dial in and listen. In this series, we will talk about how we view the body and what God has told us about what the body is and what it is for.
08.13.23 - Real Love
Everywhere you look, there is division and dysfunction in our relationships. Whether it's a breakdown in the family, polarization in political views, or sports rivalries that turn violent - we see and feel the pain of relationship problems. God wants so much more for his spiritual family. He made us to be in loving fellowship with him and one another. Join us as we consider examples of good and bad relationships and how we can deepen our love for one another.
08.06.23 - Intention in Tension
Whether it is snowboarding, knitting, or formatting excel spreadsheets: any new skill usually takes practice. But it's also possible to practice the wrong things and develop patterns that will ultimately harm us and the people around us. Join us this Sunday, August 6th, as we start to wrap up our Summer of Love series with a message called "Intention in Tension" where we will take a look at the skills we are practicing and what they communicate about us.
07.30.23 - Hold Tight
What are you looking at? That’s usually a question people ask in a sort of annoyed tone. But it’s actually a good question (without the annoyance). What are you looking at? Because what you look at shapes, in part, what you will become. In this message, we will discover how John challenges us to look at Jesus, who we are in relationship to him, and how that can radically change us.
07.23.23 - Deceivers
We all desire to live the right way (however we define that), but we often encounter serious challenges. In this message, we will look at three things from the book of 1 John that John tells us will trip us up, and we will look at some ways to defeat them.
07.16.23 - The Three Killers
We all desire to live the right way (however we define that), but we often encounter serious challenges. In this message, we will look at three things from the book of 1 John that John tells us will trip us up, and we will look at some ways to defeat them.
07.09.23 - Lovers & Haters
We all know what love is, don’t we? Fill in the blank: Love is ___________? What goes in the blank? It seems like there are a hundred words that could go in there. Everyone knows love is important, but few people can actually define what it is. In this message, we will look at what love is and talk about practical ways to live it out in our community.
07.02.23 - Game Changer
Have you ever played a board game with someone who consistently bends the rules? Our internal sense of justice rages at the thought of cheaters prospering, lawyers defending a guilty party, or liars successfully hiding the truth. What is it in us that hates it when the bad guy gets away?
06.25.23 - Walking in the Light
Ever since we were little, we have been a little afraid of the dark. Maybe it is because of the unknown or because bad things happen under the cover of darkness. In this message, we will continue our study through the letter of 1 John and talk about what it means to walk in the light, in the truth, and in freedom.