05.19.24 - Pain

We often do everything we can to avoid pain, but inevitably, pain works its way into our lives. And although the pain itself may eventually pass, sometimes its scars remain on our hearts. How do we make sense of pain in light of a loving and merciful God? And how can we transform our pain into something with purpose?

05.05.24 - Restlessness

Why are we so restless? Why does it seem like we never have enough? —Enough money, time, rest, friendships, etc.? Maybe restlessness is useful to us. Maybe it points us to deeper truths about how and why we were created. In this message, we will look at the idea of restlessness and how, like a constellation in the night sky, it can point us to God if we pay attention to it.

04.28.24 - Are You Paying Attention?

For thousands of years, constellations in the night sky have been used to tell stories, convey meaning, and help travelers on their way. This series explores how God's design of nature, relationships, trials, and triumphs speak to the reality of God and Biblical truth. Just like the individual stars that make up a constellation, God uses these various aspects of life to give us a fuller picture of Him and our purpose.

04.21.24 - Recommit

Every now and then, it's helpful to reevaluate our commitments. Do we actually want all of the things we signed up for? Are we still "all in" on this routine—this relationship—this commitment? In this message, we wrap up our RE:DO series and look at some very challenging things Jesus said to his followers about commitment as we reconsider our commitments of faith.

03.10.24 - Reconciled

Hurt, heartache, disappointment, and death: Bad things happen to everyone, regardless of whether or not you follow Jesus. But what we do with that anger and disappointment is what defines our faith. How do we keep from growing bitter when the world keeps throwing us curve balls, and it feels like God is nowhere to be found? This week, we looked at how suffering can actually shape us into grateful, hopeful, and fulfilled people of God as we continue the PILLARS series with a message called "Reconciled."

01.14.24 - Differentiated

Sometimes, we have to stand up for ourselves. How do we do that well? It’s easy to do it and just be a jerk. You see examples of that everywhere. But what does it look like to make a healthy emotional stand for ourselves when people around us are pressuring us to act a certain way? In this message, we will look at how Jesus stays non-anxious by standing up for who he is and what he believes in, and we will see some strategies for how we can do the same.