Service Opportunities in A10 Students

Small group leader

** Middle School or High School — Small Group leaders are the most influential people that students will engage with in our student ministry. It involves building relationships with students and leading them in a Christ-like example. Besides living out your faith, you will also help teach students how to read and interpret the Bible, as well as help them discover how each week’s scripture can apply to their lives.

To fulfill this role well, you will have to gain their trust. That means meeting students where they are, showing them you value and love them NO MATTER the decisions they’ve made. They need to know that you're not just another person who will abandon or cancel them. Loving students is not the same as approving or affirming their every choice, but you won’t be able to lead them closer to Christ if you don’t have a relationship with them or if you don’t live it out yourself. Your students will be watching you, and that’s a big deal.

Not only should a Small Group leader want the student to grow and succeed in their faith, but they should also want the same for the student’s family as a whole.

Serving Expectation: Small Group leaders serve weekly.

Support Team

Set-Up — Can begin as early as 8am but must be done no later than 3:00pm, and involves setting up the Common room, leader tags in studio 3, Depot, Café, chairs (tables if needed) in the Depot, and set-up of any outdoor patio/game activities.

** Frontline — Create a welcoming environment and support the activities during a Wednesday night program. This often times looks like: setting up/cleaning up games and activities, occasionally running the games, checking students in and running the café, cuing slides during worship and the message, as well as praying over the small groups will they’re in session, and helping reset the building at the end of a night.

This team can serve in two different time slots:

  • 4:00pm — 6:00pm = During our “Open House - Hangout Time” (When student’s come after school to hangout or do homework before youth group officially begins).

  • 6:30pm — 8:30pm = During our official Youth Group Programing.

Worship — Helps create meaningful and engage worship experiences, while also being able to help train students in their vocal, instrumental, sound tech. abilities.

  • Singer & Musician

Driving — This team works alongside our A10 Driving Director and Grace & Peace Community Ministries to pick-up and drop-off our A10 Students that reside in and near Raven Street within Mosby Court.

Safety — The main role of this position is to ensure the safety of students and leaders during youth group hours. That can be during our open house hangout time (4:00pm - 6:00pm), or during our normal youth programing (6:30pm - 8:30pm). Because we are an urban ministry they will handle any situation of a person wanting to come into the building who is not a student, leader, or parent. The safety person for a night/event will, in most circumstances, remain up front in the main Common room by the two doors.

Serving Expectation: We ask that support team member serve at least once a month.

** = High Need