01.05.20 - The Good Life (Ch 18)

Every now and then we hear something that seems unbelievable- something that makes us exclaim “For real?!” In this new series to kick off 2020, we will look at Jesus’s most famous teaching- the Sermon on the Mount and we will learn how he challenges us to be different than the culture around us with some powerful teaching that will make you say “For real?”  In this message, we will look at what makes a life a good life and we will see how Jesus’s idea of that is counter-intuitive.

This week’s message aligns with Core 52 book, Chapter 18: Blessedness.

For all of 2020, Area 10 Faith Community is reading through Mark Moore’s book, Core 52: A Fifteen-Minute Daily Guide to Build Your Bible IQ in a Year. If you would like to purchase a copy of Core 52, they will be for sale at the Welcome table on Sunday mornings for $10/copy.