10.25.20 - Chosen By God (Ch 24) — Area 10 Faith Community

10.25.20 - Chosen By God (Ch 24)

Nobody ever likes to be picked last in kickball, right? The scars from that stuff stay with us for a long time. So, what does it mean that God would pick us? Does he pick us last? In continuing our series Keeping it 100, we are looking at the role of God’s choice and our choice in our relationship with God.

10.25.20 - Chosen By God (Ch 24)
Chris Barras

This week’s message aligns with Core 52 book, Chapter 24: Election

For all of 2020, Area 10 Faith Community is reading through Mark Moore’s book, Core 52: A Fifteen-Minute Daily Guide to Build Your Bible IQ in a Year. If you would like to purchase a copy of Core 52, please email info@area10church.com.

You can also watch the message on YouTube by clicking here.
