11.15.20 - The Long Awaited One (Ch 12)

Have you ever longed for something to come and it took forever to arrive? We’ve all experienced that- a job, a spouse, a child, a financial break. In this message we will look at the ancient longing for a savior to arrive in the world and how Jesus met and still meets that longing. This message kicks off our new series, The Road To Christmas, where we look at what led up to the birth of Jesus.

This week’s message aligns with Core 52 book, Chapter 12: Messiah

For all of 2020, Area 10 Faith Community is reading through Mark Moore’s book, Core 52: A Fifteen-Minute Daily Guide to Build Your Bible IQ in a Year. If you would like to purchase a copy of Core 52, please email info@area10church.com.

You can also watch the message on YouTube by clicking here.