Messages — Area 10 Faith Community

03.09.25 - Honor The Lord

What we put first shapes everything else in our lives—our time, our priorities, and, ultimately, our purpose. This Sunday, we will explore Jesus’ answer to life’s biggest question: What matters most? If you’ve ever wondered how to live a meaningful life that honors God and transforms your relationships, this message will challenge and inspire you to put the right thing first.

03.09.25 - Honor The Lord
Chris Barras

03.02.25 - Your Parents

It's a whole lot easier to burn bridges than mend fences. In an age where we unfriend people easily online, some people have taken to unfriending their own parents online and in real life. We are sometimes quick to label almost anyone toxic and remove them from our lives, but at what cost? On Sunday, March 2, we looked at how Jesus reinforces the Jewish law that requires people to honor their parents and some practical ways we can do that today.

03.02.25 - Your Parents
Chris Barras

02.02.25 - Safe Travels

Life typically presents us with options: We can either take the safer path, or dare to walk the riskier path. We can choose to take the low road or the high road. Jesus challenges us to live in a way that seems, to us, not all that safe. He calls to take the road less traveled. In this message, we look at his challenge and see how we can follow his guidance on the narrow risky road of life.

02.02.25 - Safe Travels
Chris Barras

01.26.25 - GPS: Recalculating...

If only God would show up for us like a G.P.S. - That voice that tells us exactly where to go in life.  Although God doesn’t actually use Garmin to guide us, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t speak to us and help keep us on the road following him. In this message, we examine what it means to follow Jesus on the journey and how to be better followers.

01.26.25 - GPS: Recalculating...
Chris Barras

01.19.25 - On the Road Again

Let's assume that you or someone you know is interested in learning more about what it means to truly follow Jesus. Acts 2:38 tells us that our journey of following Jesus begins with three elements: believing, repenting, and being baptized. Of those three, baptism is perhaps the most controversial and misunderstood. What is it? Why should we do it? Why does it matter?

01.19.25 - On the Road Again
Chris Barras

01.12.25 - Stuck in the Mud

New Year’s resolutions are great, but what happens when our foolproof plan for a “new year, new me” goes off track? 2025 has already presented unprecedented challenges for us as a city and as individuals, so how do we stay on course when we feel stuck in the mud? How can we possibly make progress when it feels like the world, Satan, and even our own flesh are actively working against us?

01.12.25 - Stuck in the Mud
Christopher Lytle

01.05.25 - Begin With The End In Mind

If life is a journey, where is it going? And what is the best way to get there, and how do we know when we've arrived? Put another way, what is life about, and what should we be about with the years we have on earth? In this message, we will look at how Jesus answered this question thousands of years ago and see how it is relevant for us in 2025.

01.05.25 - Begin With the End in Mind
Chris Barras

12.22.24 - He Shall Be Called: Prince of Peace

In a world that seems never truly to be at peace, Jesus shows up on the scene and offers peace to us.  But what does that mean?  Is it world peace? Is it some personal sense of peace?  In this message, we will look at Jesus, the Prince of Peace, and how what he brings is still very much needed today.

12.22.24 - He Shall Be Called: Prince of Peace
Chris Barras

12.15.24 - He Shall Be Called: Everlasting Father

Jesus, the son of God, came as a 6-pound baby boy in Bethlehem. But his arrival was foretold 700 years earlier by the prophet Isaiah, who called Jesus an Everlasting Father. But what on earth does that mean? How can the Son of God be an Everlasting Father? In this message, we dove into how Jesus represents the best kind of father, with eternal implications.

12.15.24 - He Shall Be Called: Everlasting Father
Chris Barras

12.08.24 - He Shall Be Called: Mighty God

While the Christmas season often brings joy, it can also remind us of the things we’ve lost or the things we don’t feel strong enough to bear on our own. The prophecies of Isaiah declare that a child—Immanuel, God with us—was born to bear our burdens and bring peace to our chaos. By trusting in Him, we can face uncertain futures with the certainty that the Mighty God walks beside us and transforms our despair into hope.

12.08.24 - He Shall Be Called: Mighty God
Christopher Lytle

11.03.24 - The Dark Night of the Soul

What do you do when your world comes apart?  When your worst fears come true, how do you handle what writers have called "the dark night of the soul"?  In this message, we will look at King David and his mindset as he was on the run from a son who was trying to kill him, and we will learn some strategies for how we can handle our darkest days.

11.03.24 - The Dark Night of the Soul
Chris Barras