One of the most famous people in the Bible is King David. David was a poet, musician, shepherd, warrior, and king. Although none of us are kings in ancient Israel, many things about him are incredibly relatable to our modern day. This Sunday, we reflected on the frustrating experience of being in a "waiting season" of life and feeling like God is not doing anything.
10.06.24 - Can't We All Just Get Along?
Have you ever asked yourself this question as friends, colleagues, family members, and even fellow church members argue? In a politically divided culture, how do the people of God stay united? In this message, we examined how Jesus was concerned that his followers maintained unity despite competing views.
09.29.24 - Why Do Politics Matter to Christians?
This week, we looked at what the Bible says about a Christian's response to Government and how we can engage in politics without losing our perspective on Jesus as our ultimate authority.
09.22.24 - News Sobriety
In our world of 24/7 news cycles, is it possible to consume too much news? And what does that consumption do to our hearts, our minds, or our souls? In this message, we looked at how media affects us in a political season and considered Apostle Paul’s advice to an ancient church about how to keep your mind right during crazy times.
09.15.24 - Jesus For President
The political season is upon us; this is when people get very heated about who will hold political power in our country for the next four years. But for the people of God, should this season get us worked up? Jesus stepped into a politically divided world, not unlike our country today. Rather than putting his influence behind a particular candidate, he advocated for an entirely different kind of kingdom. In this message, we will look at that kingdom and how that informs us as we enter America's political season.
09.08.24 - Throw Your Hands Up!
We all need a core group of friends who walk through the hardest parts of life with us. But what would it look like to actually be that kind of friend for someone else? In this final message of this series, we will look at the call for all of us to raise our hands in support of others.
09.01.24 - House Wreckers
How far will your friends go to help you? How far will you go to help them? Do you have a core group of friends who will do whatever it takes to come alongside you in crisis? In this message, we will look at a friend group that took extreme measures to bring their friend to Jesus and learn some qualities that we can emulate with our friends.
08.25.24 - Friends In Low Places
Many of us have friends who will be there when things are good, but do you have the kind of friends who will show up for you when things are terrible? In this message, we will examine how a core group of friends can show up well when we are in crisis by looking at the tragic Old Testament story of Job.
08.18.24- The 200 Hour Rule
We all long for deeper and better friendships. We want to have that core group of friends who are with us through the ups and downs. But statistically, most people in America struggle to find those people. In this message, we will look at how Jesus spent his time with his closest friends and learn about the 200-hour rule and how it applies to our friendship-building efforts. This will be useful to us as we use our time to build lasting relationships!
08.11.24- The Heart of Worship
Connecting theory to practice can be tricky. You might theoretically understand how to fish, dance the samba, make friends (and influence people), or split atoms, but actually doing them is a very different thing entirely. The same goes for worshipping God. How do we go from worship being something that we logically understand to something that we intentionally practice?
08.04.24- What We Can Do Through Money
We can all think of ways we can use money to make an impact in the world: We could give to a charity, help fund a friend's new business, or lend money to someone in need. But how can we determine the BEST use of our very finite amount of cash? In this message, we will examine what Jesus teaches about the most effective, long-lasting impact we can make with our money.
07.28.24 - How We Use Money
Money can fly out of our pockets in many ways. Sometimes it seems like we don’t even know where the money goes. In this message we will look at different ways to use money and how we can align our usage of money with God’s heart for the world. We will also look at some ways we can avoid becoming greedy in a world that encourages us to constantly acquire more.
07.21.24 - How We View Money
Christians all over the world look to Jesus' teachings to guide their lives. Jesus had a lot to say about faith, prayer, heaven, and hell. But Jesus also had a lot to say about money because he knew how important money was to us. In this series, we are going to look at how we view money, how we use money, and what can be done through money. Join us as we learn ways to get healthier and more financially and spiritually free!
07.14.24 - A Life of Sacrifice
We've all seen the slow-motion moment in a movie where a guy jumps in front of a bullet to save someone he loves. But, in reality, few of us have (or will ever be) put in that life-or-death position to prove that we care. So, how do we care for others in the day-to-day? In this message, we'll look at the ultimate example of sacrificial love through the death AND life of Jesus.
07.07.24- The Lover
Men find themselves in many roles where they need to love well: as husbands, fathers, and friends. But being loving is not exactly high on the list of things men are taught to do. In this message, we will examine the idea of men as lovers and discover some principles that help men show up well for the people they love.
06.30.24 - The King
Do men have a role in the modern world to be providers in their homes? What does that look like for the modern man? In this message, we will look at how men can still be providers in various ways and how doing so helps them feel a sense of fulfillment and purpose.
06.23.24 - The Warrior
In 2024, what difference does it make if men are strong? Do we even need strength anymore? It’s not like we have to hunt for food or build houses with our hands. So, what is the value of strength in men? In this message, we will look at the warrior who wants to fight inside every man and how Jesus channeled that energy for good.
06.16.24 - TOXIC: How Did We Get Here?
We’ve heard so much in the last decade or so about toxic masculinity, and we can all think of examples where men go off the rails to a toxic place. But does it have to be that way? What is a better way for us to express masculinity in today’s age? In this series, we will look at the narratives men are given around masculinity and how the New Testament can help men live and lead well in our modern world.
06.09.24 - Conscience
Do you ever feel like you have an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other, each whispering in your ear and vying for your attention? What does it mean to have a conscience, and do we have any control over what it suggests?
06.02.24 - The Church
What is the point of the church? Does the church still have value in an age where you mostly hear about its abuses and scandals? In this message, we will look at what God intended the church to be and how (when it functions properly) it can point us to God.