Familiarity breeds unfamiliarity. The crucifixion and the resurrection of Jesus are the two most important things that happened in Jesus’s life. However, because we’ve often heard about these events before, we sometimes tend to gloss over them or forget the powerful lessons to learn from those two events. In this message, we we'll look at the crucifixion of Jesus as recorded in the Gospel of John and see what difference the crucifixion makes in our lives today.
04.02.17 TYMB - Power Trip
What is power and how should we use it? As we explore Jesus’ trial, we see power used in very different ways by the priests, Pontius Pilate and Jesus. By exploring this story we may discover how we choose to use or abuse of power and see what we can learn from Jesus’ example.
03.26.17 TYMB - What is Truth?
Our world is doing some pretty bizarre things with truth right now. It seems as if facts and alternative facts are leading people to just throw their hands up and wonder what is even true anymore or if we can know any truth at all. The reality is, there has always been uncertainty about truth. This isn't necessarily a new thing. In this message we'll look at Jesus under trial when he stands before the Roman leader Pontius Pilate who famously asks “What is truth?”
03.19.17 TYMB - Revolution and Denial
Jesus gets arrested and it looks like the story is over. In the midst of that, one of his closest friends, Peter, shows incredible bravado and then incredible cowardice. In this message we'll look at the real revolution Jesus was leading and learn a lesson from Peter about what we can do when we blow it.
03.12.17 TYMB - The Prayer
Before Christ was arrested, we have his longest recorded prayer in the scriptures. What did he pray about? What did he care about? What difference does it make to us? In this message we'll look at this prayer and in particular, examine his call for unity in the church and how we can be unified as a faith community.
03.05.17 Thinking Biblically
The Bible is the most famous book of all time, but how can we understand it well? How can we apply to our modern age and problems? This message we’re welcoming Dr. Jon Weatherly, PhD in New Testament, to present a message where we examine these difficult issues.
02.26.17 TYMB - Help Is On The Way
Before Jesus leaves his followers and returns to Heaven, he tells them he'll send the Holy Spirit. But who is the Holy Spirit and what does he do? How is He involved in our lives and how can we access Him? There is a lot of confusion about the Holy Spirit. In this message we'll dig into Jesus teaching on the Holy Spirit, our Helper.
02.19.17 TYMB - Stay With Me
Jesus tells us that he is the true vine. What does that mean? Why does it matter? In this message we're going to look at some of Jesus’s words in his final teaching to his disciples. He really wanted to impress on them the need to stay with him and not give up. What does this mean for us today?
02.12.17 - Note to Self - The Friends That Get Me
All of us want friends. We don’t need a million of them, but we need a few. And we need real friends who know the real us. But how will they know the real us if we don’t ever show them? In this message we'll wrap up the Note to Self series with one final key piece of our growth. We'll look at the one thing we need to do with our friends that will help us move past our sense of shame.
02.05.17 Note to Self - The Shame That Bind Me
We carry around a toxic voice in our heads. Not only does it tell us when we've messed up, but it actually judges us and says we're a bad person. In this message we're going to look at the voice of shame from someone in the Bible who dealt with it. From there we'll see a better way forward as we quiet the voice of shame in our own lives.
01.29.17 Note to Self - The Fear That Grips Me
What are you afraid of? The truth is for many of us, we're afraid of numerous things. Often we have voices in our heads constantly telling us what to be afraid of, but when we look at scripture we see a different message coming from God. In this message we'll look at what we tell ourselves about fear and what God wants us to hear.
01.22.17 Donkeys, Elephants and Hope
This past presidential election was the most divisive election we’ve had in our lifetimes. Now that the dust has settled, let's talk about how people of faith can be faithful in a politically divided culture. How do we live in a country divided and be a people of hope in hard times? This Sunday we'll interview two members of Area 10, Janet Kelly and Brian Coy, who have served or serve in high levels of our government in the Democrat and Republican parties. We'll hear how they can hold strong personal convictions and yet still work in politics for the common good. And we'll discuss what's the responsibility of Christians in the public realm.
01.15.17 Note to Self - The Voice That Paralyzes Me
Ever write post it notes for yourself? Maybe "Get groceries!"..."Send dad a card"..."Pick up dry cleaning." Inside our heads, we also make little mental notes. Sometimes they are little and harmless, and sometimes they are big and harmful. In this message we're going to look at insecurity and the messages we tell ourselves and the truth from scripture that can help us write a healthier note to ourselves.
January 8 snow day message
Special snow day message from Chris introducing our next series, Note to Self, as well as upcoming events at Area 10.
01.01.17 Never Break the Chain
New Year's message about one habit you could begin this year that could change your life.
12.24.16 By A Different Road
Christmas Eve message.
12.18.16 Christmas Is Not Your Birthday - Jesus' Wish List
Some people are impossibly hard to shop for. Maybe they are picky or maybe they just have everything they want. Well if Christmas is not your birthday but it’s Jesus’ birthday what could we get him? In this message we'll examine His teaching from Matthew 25 where Jesus tells us what He wants--not just for Christmas, but all year long. This Sunday we'll also honor Jesus by taking up our special Advent Offering to support the work Glocal Ventures is doing in Vietnam.
12.11.16 Christmas Is Not Your Birthday - Scandalous Love
One of the biggest things we celebrate at Christmas is that in Jesus’ birth the love of God has come to earth. God’s love for humanity is strong and there is a curious Old Testament story about a man who demonstrated how far God goes to win back us- His people. In this message we'll look at the Old Testament prophet Hosea and learn about God’s scandalous love that we can experience at Christmastime.
12.04.16 Christmas is Not Your Birthday - Giving Up on Perfect
There’s a lot of pressure in our culture to have a perfect Christmas— to get together with all the right people and purchase all the right gifts. But Christmas doesn’t have to be perfect. If you look at the original Christmas story with Mary and Joseph, you can see how it never really has been perfect. But Christmas can be good if we handle it differently than our culture does. In this message we’ll dig into the first Christmas story and learn some lessons about how we can celebrate differently in this Advent season.
11.27.16 Christmas is Not Your Birthday - Santa Claus Jesus
So many times the noise of Christmas consumerism can distort and diminish the real meaning of the season. Jesus is bigger than our narratives and expectations, and His birth teaches us some important things about God.