11.26.17 - I'm So Hungry

At Thanksgiving time, food ends up front and center in our minds and conversation (and gratitude!). What are the modern problems we have around food? Specifically what are the social justice issues in our own city about food and what can we do about them? In this message we'll look at the concept of hunger in our city and how the ancient followers of Christ had a unique solution to address hunger- one that can still work today.

11.12.17 - I'm Addicted to My Phone

Technology permeates every part of our lives--work, home, friendships, dating. And while much of technology is great and fun and even helpful, it isn’t all great. Are there limits to how we use technology? Should their be limits? In this message we'll look at Jesus' teaching on how to strategically retreat from culture. We'll also look at ways we can put healthy boundaries around technology so we can live healthier lives.

11.5.17 - The New Sexual Revolution

Harvey Weinstein, Hugh Hefner and the #metoo hashtags have brought the topic of sex to the surface again in our culture. We live in our culture that is sexually conflicted and sends a lot of mixed messages. How do we cut through all that? In this message we'll look at how the Christian sexual ethic differed from the Roman culture of it’s day and how it differs from our culture today. In digging into Paul’s letter to the church at Corinth, we'll discover ways the Christian understanding of sex can challenge and even help correct our current cultural ideas.

10.29.17 - This Job is Killing Me

Over the course of our lives, we'll spend about 80,000 hours of our lives at a job. So it’s important that we think about what we're doing there and how we're doing it. God is interested in our whole lives and a big part of our lives is spent at work. What is the purpose of work? How should we view it? And what are the modern traps we fall into when we think about work? In this message we'll look at the Biblical ideas about work and see how they help us deal with our modern work frustrations.

10.22.17 - Ancient Habits for the Modern Storm

Modern America is in an unprecedented age of anxiety. The experience of feeling overwhelmed by normal life is so common that it leads us to ask - Is there something bigger going on in our culture? There is. In this message we'll see that the cultural storm is a crisis of habit, and it's affecting everyone. But we'll also see there are ancient answers for this modern problem in the centuries-old practice of the "rule of life," which refers to a set of communal habits intended to shape a community in love. We'll look at a modern adaptation of a rule of life called The Common Rule, and talk about how formational habits are central to living lives of love for God and neighbor.

10.15.17 - A New Kind of Slavery

Our world is improving in so many ways. Technology is amazing. Who would’ve thought that we could video chat easily with people from all over the world? Even though many things are getting easier we still have a lot of problems.When we drill down into those problems we see things that humanity has always struggled with. In this series, we'll reflect on problems we all deal with and look to some ancient sources to find answers. In this message we'll explore freedom and what it takes to truly be free.

10.1.17 - Is Hell For Real?

Jesus teaches about Hell more than anyone else in the Bible. He believed that it's real and that people will actually go there one day. Perhaps no other idea is offensive to the modern mind than this idea that a supposedly loving God could send people to Hell. In this message we'll look at Hell and how it is actually related to peace and love and see what it teaches us about our own hearts.

09.10.17 - What If It Doesn't Get Better?

Surveys show that most Americans believe in some kind of heaven, but our specific beliefs about heaven are all over the place. What will it be like? Who goes there? Who doesn’t go there? In this new series we'll be talking all about Heaven, Hell and HOPE and why any of that stuff matters. In this first message we'll explore why we need Heaven and those situations where things on Earth just don’t actually seem to get any better.

08.13.17 - The Goodness of Creation

"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth..." Those words at the beginning of Genesis comprise one of the most recognized sentences in the world. We've heard it a thousand times, but have we ever stopped to consider what it means? What does the creation story in Genesis 1 and 2 tell us? What doesn't it tell us?  There is far more going on in the story that we may have realized.  In this message we'll explore the Creation Story and what the rest of the Bible teaches us about God's Creation and how we should relate to it. 

07.23.17 - Rewrite Your Future - Help Me Out!

As you continue on the journey you will come to the end of your own abilities and realize that you need help. None of us corner the market on knowledge so it’s helpful to reach out to others and ask for help. Other people can help shape and refine or expand your vision. Other people can see things in you that you can’t see. In order to transform we need to swallow our pride, admit our powerlessness and ask others for help.

07.16.17 Rewrite Your Future - Bound to Your Future

When you start setting a vision for your life, you're going to start making some promises and commitments and that’s when the rubber hits the road. One of our struggles is that we take our promises and commitments too lightly. In this message we return to the Sermon on the Mount and see what Jesus teaches about letting our yes be yes and our no be no.  We'll also dive into the power of the spoken and written word and how being consistent with our commitments helps drive transformation.