In our pursuit of happiness, often we get stuck in our own heads. We struggle with our thoughts, and the thoughts and feelings we have about our thoughts. In this message we will examine Paul’s teaching to the church in Philippi and see how his timeless words help us handle our anxiety and build up happiness.
04.29.18 - Happy to Help
Most people look for happiness by going inside themselves and doing some sort of inner work. But what if happiness can be found by looking outside ourselves--by choosing to serve and put others first? In this message we'll look at ways we love and serve beyond ourselves and how that has historically helped people to become more happy.
04.22.18 - Happy to Know You
How do we build happiness into our lives? Does it just come and go and we have get lucky, or can actually cultivate in our lives? What can we do to cultivate it? In this message we'll look at one way to build happiness—through being in relationship with other people.
04.15.18 - Unhappy Returns
Our culture doesn’t know how to sell us happiness. Sure there are self-help books and advice all over the place—but the truth is happiness doesn’t sell. Pleasure sells. So what are the pleasure roads we go down thinking we're going to find happiness? In this message we'll look at those roads and someone in the ancient world who already went down and see what we can learn from him.
04.08.18 - The Happiness Quest
Being happy is the stated or unstated goal of so many things that we do. But this isn’t anything new. Humanity has been on a happiness quest since the beginning. So where can we go to find real happiness? In this series we'll look at what happiness is and examine four elements that will help make us happier and where God meets us in our quest.
04.01.18 - Raised
2,000 years ago something changed the course of human history. A man died and allegedly came back to life. But did it really happen? Does it matter? And what difference does it make now?
03.18.18 - Family Matters
Relationships between husband and wife and parent and child are some of the most important relationships in our lives. So how can we be the people God calls us to be in those relationships? How can we see flourishing at home and at work? In this message we'll look at some practical instructions from the Apostle Paul in his letter to the Colossians where he points us Jesus' example.
03.11.18 - Picking Up and Laying Down
In order to change and grow, each of us has to pick something up and put something down. We have to let some things go (sins, destructive habits, etc) and start picking some things up (new habits, disciplines). In our study through Colossians, Paul challenges us to let go of things that are holding us back and adopt a new lifestyle with new habits. In this message we'll dive into that challenge and see how we can apply this to our lives.
03.04.18 - Identity
Who are we? And who gets to decide who we are? These are important questions in a culture that is constantly shifting on questions of identity. In this message we'll be looking at Paul’s letter to the church at Colosse and walk through what it means to find our identity in Christ.
02.25.18 - Rooted
In a culture that's constantly changing, what can we hold on to? How can we stay strongly rooted in something that will survive the storms? In this message we will look at Paul’s words to the church in Colosse about how they can be rooted and we will see how that applies to our world today.
02.18.18 What's The Big Deal About Jesus?
Jesus Christ is the most talked about, sung about, and worshipped person in all of history. But why is he such a big deal? Who was he really and what difference did he make in the world? And what difference does he make in your life? In this message from Colossians 2 we'll look at what's the big deal about Jesus.
02.11.18 - A Powerful Prayer
Christians for a millennia have celebrated something known as the Gospel - this Good News about Jesus Christ. What is that good news? Why is it good? What difference does it make now? In this series we'll be diving into the letter Paul wrote to the Colossians and looking at the heart of the Gospel and its implications for our lives.
02.04.18 - Pay It Forward
Jesus calls His followers to speak up and share their faith with others. But so often, believers are intimidated to do this. What if we poured our faith into other people? What if we spoke up and shared how God has been good to us? What kind of return might we get on that type of investment? How might God change us when we share His love?
01.28.18 - Bull Market
"Where you invest your love, you invest your life."- Mumford and Sons. Perhaps no other issue shows us where we invest our love, than where we invest our money. Where your money goes, your heart goes. In this message we'll look at the return on investments we can expect with money and we will look at what generosity does to our hearts.
01.21.18 - The Investment Club
We accomplish more when we work together. This is true of so many of the investments we make in life. When we pool our money, we buy more. When we pool our time, we get more done. When we pool our energy, we move the needle. God designed us for community and designed us to connect. In this message we'll look at Paul’s advice to the church at Galatia and see the various ways in which we are better together.
01.14.18 - All In
When we play scared, we end up not playing at our best. This is true in sports and it’s true with our faith. So what would it look like to be ALL IN with our faith? What would it look like to really embrace a life of servanthood and pour ourselves out for other people? And what return could we expect on that kind of investment in others? In this week's message we'll examine a rather awkward exchange Jesus has with his disciples that teaches us about servanthood.
01.07.18 - Blue Chip God
Where are we investing our lives in 2018? You have limited resources, so where will you spend them? In this new series we'll look at different ways to invest our lives and look at what return we can expect form them. But like any investment, you want to count the cost first. In Sunday's message we'll look at God who has already invested in us.
12.24.17 - Don't Miss the Moment
Angels, wise men, shepherds, Herod, Mary and Joseph--you’ve heard of all of them in the Christmas story, but what were they thinking? How did they experience the event and what difference does it make to us now? In this message we'll look at the first Christmas and who was there and who almost missed the moment. We'll also consider how we can prepare our hearts to not miss it this year.
12.17.17 - I Need Hope
The birth of Jesus reminds us that God knows us and sees us. It is the story of hope for a hopeless world. In this message we're going to look at the very real and modern problem of hopelessness and how the birth of Christ brings hope to us once again.
12.10.17 - I Feel Alone
While the Christmas season is one of great joy for many, it can be a sad time and lonely time for others. In this message we'll look at the struggle with loneliness and the ancient roots of this issue that go back all the way to the beginning of creation. We'll also consider Mary and how she may have felt when she first heard she was going to give birth to Jesus.