09.06.20 - Set Apart (Ch 5)

Okay, so the word "holy" isn't exactly a word that we hear a lot in our day-to-day conversations - unless maybe it's the first half of a curse word. But the Bible talks a lot about what it means to be holy. Is it a high-in-the-sky, unattainable goal? Or is striving for holiness something that we can actually integrate into our everyday lives?

This week’s message aligns with Core 52 book, Chapter 5: Holiness.

For all of 2020, Area 10 Faith Community is reading through Mark Moore’s book, Core 52: A Fifteen-Minute Daily Guide to Build Your Bible IQ in a Year. If you would like to purchase a copy of Core 52, please email info@area10church.com.

You can also watch the message on YouTube by clicking here.

08.31.20 - Identity (Ch 2)

"Who Am I?" - Defining ourselves is a hurdle that all of us will struggle with at some point. You may call yourself a father, a businesswoman, an artist, a self-starter, a teacher, a grandmother, or any number of other possible identities. But how do we identify ourselves in light of scripture and who God made us to be? In this week's message, we will talk about the Christian identity and how God calls us to define ourselves differently than the rest of the world.

This week’s message aligns with Core 52 book, Chapter 2: Identity.

For all of 2020, Area 10 Faith Community is reading through Mark Moore’s book, Core 52: A Fifteen-Minute Daily Guide to Build Your Bible IQ in a Year. If you would like to purchase a copy of Core 52, please email info@area10church.com.

You can also watch the message on YouTube by clicking here.

08.23.20 - Created (Ch 1)

Do you ever want to go somewhere and just get lost for a while? To get off the grid? Off the map? As the saying goes: not all who wander are lost. In this series, we are going to look at the track American culture is on and look at specific ways that God calls his people to be different and veer off that track. In this message, we will look at the off-track answer about one of the biggest questions in life.

This week’s message aligns with Core 52 book, Chapter 1: Created.

For all of 2020, Area 10 Faith Community is reading through Mark Moore’s book, Core 52: A Fifteen-Minute Daily Guide to Build Your Bible IQ in a Year. If you would like to purchase a copy of Core 52, please email info@area10church.com.

You can also watch the message on YouTube by clicking here.

08.16.20 - Constrained (Ch 43)

One of the hardest things about 2020 is how many things we were forced to give up due to the virus. Schools closed, prom didn’t happen. All the sports were canceled, and the concerts stopped. We have been living under some new constraints this year, but what if those obstacles can actually be for our good? In this message, we will look at how Paul thinks about his constraints under lockdown, and we will see some ways we can make the most of this time.

This week’s message aligns with Core 52 book, Chapter 43: God’s Will.

You can also watch the message on YouTube by clicking here.

You can also download a corresponding coloring page on this week’s key scripture:

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For all of 2020, Area 10 Faith Community is reading through Mark Moore’s book, Core 52: A Fifteen-Minute Daily Guide to Build Your Bible IQ in a Year. If you would like to purchase a copy of Core 52, please email info@area10church.com.


08.09.20 - Tear Down The Walls (Ch 40)

Racism has reared its ugly head in our country over the last few months, and it has reminded us that we all still have room to grow. But what is race anyway, and why do we have these differences? What solution does God offer to racism? In this message, we will look at the apostle Paul’s teaching on how Jesus deals with race and look at some steps that we can take to bring healing.

This week’s message aligns with Core 52 book, Chapter 40: God’s Solution to Racism.

You can also watch the message on YouTube by clicking here.

You can also download a corresponding coloring page on this week’s key scripture:

For all of 2020, Area 10 Faith Community is reading through Mark Moore’s book, Core 52: A Fifteen-Minute Daily Guide to Build Your Bible IQ in a Year. If you would like to purchase a copy of Core 52, please email info@area10church.com.


08.02.20 - Confident In This (Ch 37)

When the economy falters and we are in a pandemic, it’s easy for our confidence in the things that we used to trust in to falter a bit. In this message, we will look at where we place our confidence and look at where the Apostle Paul placed his confidence when he was in prison.

This week’s message aligns with Core 52 book, Chapter 37: Holy Spirit.

You can also watch the message on YouTube by clicking here.

For all of 2020, Area 10 Faith Community is reading through Mark Moore’s book, Core 52: A Fifteen-Minute Daily Guide to Build Your Bible IQ in a Year. If you would like to purchase a copy of Core 52, please email info@area10church.com.

07.19.20 - I Pledge Allegiance (Ch 28)

What does it mean to pledge allegiance in 2020? Where do our allegiances truly lie? In this message, we will look at something the apostle Paul taught from lockdown two-thousand years ago about the nature of faith and what faith looks like for us in the modern world.

This week’s message aligns with Core 52 book, Chapter 28: Faith.

You can also watch the message on YouTube by clicking here.

For all of 2020, Area 10 Faith Community is reading through Mark Moore’s book, Core 52: A Fifteen-Minute Daily Guide to Build Your Bible IQ in a Year. If you would like to purchase a copy of Core 52, please email info@area10church.com.

07.12.20 - Living A Bigger Story (Ch 27)

Most of the world has been sheltering at home for the last 5 months.  What have we learned?  What are the ways we can grow during this time? In this series, we will look at a man in the New Testament - the apostle Paul - who lived for years under house arrest and wrote some of the most influential books in the Bible during that time.  

In this week’s message, we will look at the bigger picture that we are called to live in and how that affects how we see the world today.

This week’s message aligns with Core 52 book, Chapter 27: Gospel.

You can also watch the message on YouTube by clicking here.

For all of 2020, Area 10 Faith Community is reading through Mark Moore’s book, Core 52: A Fifteen-Minute Daily Guide to Build Your Bible IQ in a Year. If you would like to purchase a copy of Core 52, please email info@area10church.com.

07.05.20 - End Game (Ch 52)

Eternal life in heaven is often seen as a "perk" of being a follower of Jesus, but we often don't talk about it or how it affects our daily life. In this week's message we'll walk through how the promise of eternity isn't just a future hope, but effects us in the here and now.

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This week’s message aligns with Core 52 book, Chapter 52: Heaven.

You can also watch the message on YouTube by clicking here.

For all of 2020, Area 10 Faith Community is reading through Mark Moore’s book, Core 52: A Fifteen-Minute Daily Guide to Build Your Bible IQ in a Year. If you would like to purchase a copy of Core 52, please email info@area10church.com.

You can also download this week’s corresponding coloring page here:

06.28.20 - Celebration (Ch 35)

The church celebrates communion every week as a central part of worship. But why? Why spend time on eating a little cracker and having some juice? Where did that idea come from, and why does it matter today? In this message, we will look at the communion meal from multiple angles and see how it helps shape us and mold our character even today.

This week’s message aligns with Core 52 book, Chapter 35: Communion.

You can also watch the message on YouTube by clicking here.

For all of 2020, Area 10 Faith Community is reading through Mark Moore’s book, Core 52: A Fifteen-Minute Daily Guide to Build Your Bible IQ in a Year. If you would like to purchase a copy of Core 52, please email info@area10church.com.

You can also download this week’s corresponding coloring page here:

06.21.20 - Initiation (Ch 39)

Jesus taught about a radically different way of life from the rest of the world. He called it the kingdom of God. But to become a part of that kingdom, the early Christians underwent a type of ritual that we celebrate today. In this message, we will look at baptism- what it is, why we do it, and why it matters so much in today’s tense world.

This week’s message aligns with Core 52 book, Chapter 39: Baptism.

You can also watch the message on YouTube by clicking here.

For all of 2020, Area 10 Faith Community is reading through Mark Moore’s book, Core 52: A Fifteen-Minute Daily Guide to Build Your Bible IQ in a Year. If you would like to purchase a copy of Core 52, please email info@area10church.com.

You can also download this week’s corresponding coloring page here:

06.14.20 - Under Authority (Ch 50)

Everyone looks to someone to help them make decisions, and in some ways, we all put ourselves under someone else’s authority. We look to our parents, our friends, our professors, and our co-workers when hard stuff arises. For a few thousand years, followers of Jesus have looked to Jesus and the Bible as a source of authority in our lives. In this message, we will look at why we, as a church, look to the scripture and how it can be helpful for us.

This week’s message aligns with Core 52 book, Chapter 50: Scripture.

You can also watch the message on YouTube by clicking here.

For all of 2020, Area 10 Faith Community is reading through Mark Moore’s book, Core 52: A Fifteen-Minute Daily Guide to Build Your Bible IQ in a Year. If you would like to purchase a copy of Core 52, please email info@area10church.com.

You can also download this week’s corresponding coloring page here:


06.07.20 - One (Ch 46)

There is a lot of discord and disharmony in our culture and even the church lately. Have you noticed it? In this message, we will look back at the actual purpose of the church and look at how we can come together to fulfill the mission God would have for us.

This week’s message aligns with Core 52 book, Chapter 46: Unity.

You can also watch the message on YouTube by clicking here.

For all of 2020, Area 10 Faith Community is reading through Mark Moore’s book, Core 52: A Fifteen-Minute Daily Guide to Build Your Bible IQ in a Year. If you would like to purchase a copy of Core 52, please email info@area10church.com.

05.31.20 - In Spirit & Truth (Ch 34)

What comes to mind when you think of an "unstoppable force"? Is it an earthquake? A raging toddler? Or maybe COVID-19? One thing that remains unstoppable, regardless of circumstances, is God’s church. This unstoppable force doesn’t change, regardless of persecution, pandemic, or political upheaval. 

Join us as we begin our new series, The Unstoppable Force, as we talk about what makes the church so strong and resilient. This week, we will focus on worship and what it means to worship in spirit and in truth.

This week’s message aligns with Core 52 book, Chapter 34: Worship.

You can also watch the message on YouTube by clicking here.

For all of 2020, Area 10 Faith Community is reading through Mark Moore’s book, Core 52: A Fifteen-Minute Daily Guide to Build Your Bible IQ in a Year. If you would like to purchase a copy of Core 52, please email info@area10church.com.

05.24.20 - Sticking With It (Ch 51)

Grit. Without it we're doomed to live in a world of mediocrity and unrealized dreams and potential. Developing your grit and strengthening your resolve affects every other aspect of leadership. Join us as we conclude our rise Up series and take a look at what scripture says about this cultivated trait.

This week’s message aligns with Core 52 book, Chapter 51: Grit.

You can also watch the message on YouTube by clicking here.

For all of 2020, Area 10 Faith Community is reading through Mark Moore’s book, Core 52: A Fifteen-Minute Daily Guide to Build Your Bible IQ in a Year. If you would like to purchase a copy of Core 52, please email info@area10church.com.

You can also download this week’s coloring page here:

05.17.20 - Serving Your Team (Ch 30)

Jesus changed the world in so many ways. One of the biggest ways is he gave us an entirely new view of power, influence, and leadership. In this message, we will look at one of his greatest teachings about the nature of servanthood and how that can change the way we lead at work and at home.

This week’s message aligns with Core 52 book, Chapter 30: Leadership

You can also watch the message on YouTube by clicking here.

For all of 2020, Area 10 Faith Community is reading through Mark Moore’s book, Core 52: A Fifteen-Minute Daily Guide to Build Your Bible IQ in a Year. If you would like to purchase a copy of Core 52, please email info@area10church.com.

05.10.20 - Emptying Your Cup (Ch 49)

All of us have had people in our lives who have helped shape who we are today, from parents and extended family to teachers and coaches. The question is, what responsibility do we have to pass on wisdom to others? This week, as we are continuing our Rise Up series, we look at the value of mentoring and see how Jesus modeled it for us in the scriptures. We will also look at ways we can mentor those in our circles of influence. 

This week’s message aligns with Core 52 book, Chapter 49: Mentoring.

You can also watch the message on YouTube by clicking here.

For all of 2020, Area 10 Faith Community is reading through Mark Moore’s book, Core 52: A Fifteen-Minute Daily Guide to Build Your Bible IQ in a Year. If you would like to purchase a copy of Core 52, please email info@area10church.com.

And here is our coloring page that goes along with the service to entertain your littles while you watch:


05.03.20 - Not A Hot-Head (Ch 47)

As a culture we love to celebrate bravado - the leaders who set big goals and go out there and crush them (and maybe brag about doing it). But Jesus accomplished more than any person in history and yet, he never made a big deal about himself. In this message, we are going to look at the leadership quality of humility and see how crucial it is for good leadership.

This week’s message aligns with Core 52 book, Chapter 47: Humility.

You can also watch the message on YouTube by clicking here.

For all of 2020, Area 10 Faith Community is reading through Mark Moore’s book, Core 52: A Fifteen-Minute Daily Guide to Build Your Bible IQ in a Year. If you would like to purchase a copy of Core 52, please email info@area10church.com.

And here is our coloring page that goes along with the service to entertain your littles while you watch:


04.26.20 - Like A Shepherd (Ch 11)

A good leader can take a good situation and make it better. A next-level leader can take a hard situation and make it into something great. Modern leadership literature focuses on servant leadership: a concept that was actually introduced by Jesus two-thousand years ago. In this series, we will talk about rising up above our current situations to lead like Jesus at work, at home, on the sports field, and every other circle of influence.

This week’s message aligns with Core 52 book, Chapter 11: Shepherd.

For all of 2020, Area 10 Faith Community is reading through Mark Moore’s book, Core 52: A Fifteen-Minute Daily Guide to Build Your Bible IQ in a Year. If you would like to purchase a copy of Core 52, please email info@area10church.com.

You can also watch the full service below:

And here is our coloring page that goes along with the service to entertain your littles while you watch:


04.19.20 - Whole-Hearted (Ch 38)

How do you top a resurrection?  Jesus comes back from the dead and then what happens.  In this message we will answer that question and look at what responsibility Christians have for spreading the message of the resurrection to a world that is hungry for purpose and meaning.

This week’s message aligns with Core 52 book, Chapter 38: Ascension.

For all of 2020, Area 10 Faith Community is reading through Mark Moore’s book, Core 52: A Fifteen-Minute Daily Guide to Build Your Bible IQ in a Year. If you would like to purchase a copy of Core 52, please email info@area10church.com.