Whether it is snowboarding, knitting, or formatting excel spreadsheets: any new skill usually takes practice. But it's also possible to practice the wrong things and develop patterns that will ultimately harm us and the people around us. Join us this Sunday, August 6th, as we start to wrap up our Summer of Love series with a message called "Intention in Tension" where we will take a look at the skills we are practicing and what they communicate about us.
07.30.23 - Hold Tight
What are you looking at? That’s usually a question people ask in a sort of annoyed tone. But it’s actually a good question (without the annoyance). What are you looking at? Because what you look at shapes, in part, what you will become. In this message, we will discover how John challenges us to look at Jesus, who we are in relationship to him, and how that can radically change us.
07.23.23 - Deceivers
We all desire to live the right way (however we define that), but we often encounter serious challenges. In this message, we will look at three things from the book of 1 John that John tells us will trip us up, and we will look at some ways to defeat them.
07.16.23 - The Three Killers
We all desire to live the right way (however we define that), but we often encounter serious challenges. In this message, we will look at three things from the book of 1 John that John tells us will trip us up, and we will look at some ways to defeat them.
07.09.23 - Lovers & Haters
We all know what love is, don’t we? Fill in the blank: Love is ___________? What goes in the blank? It seems like there are a hundred words that could go in there. Everyone knows love is important, but few people can actually define what it is. In this message, we will look at what love is and talk about practical ways to live it out in our community.
07.02.23 - Game Changer
Have you ever played a board game with someone who consistently bends the rules? Our internal sense of justice rages at the thought of cheaters prospering, lawyers defending a guilty party, or liars successfully hiding the truth. What is it in us that hates it when the bad guy gets away?
06.25.23 - Walking in the Light
Ever since we were little, we have been a little afraid of the dark. Maybe it is because of the unknown or because bad things happen under the cover of darkness. In this message, we will continue our study through the letter of 1 John and talk about what it means to walk in the light, in the truth, and in freedom.
06.18.23 - Undeniable Proof
How much proof do you need to believe something? And what kind of proof is compelling? Do you have to have been there? Can you just read about it and believe it? Does eyewitness testimony matter? In this message, we will look at one of Jesus’s closest followers and the foundation he provides for our faith.
06.11.23 - Bad Blood
What do God, plant parents, big emotions, Taylor Swift, cliffhangers, Doctor Who and grace have to do with our every day lives?
06.04.23 - This Is Me Trying
We all love the idea of a do-over or a second chance. Or at least we love the idea of a second chance for ourselves. For other people? Not so much. In this message, we will look at Jonah getting a second chance to give an entire city a second chance. And we will learn something about the God who brings about redemption and hope.
05.28.23 - Anti-Hero: Midnights
Have you ever heard a song on the radio and it fits your life EXACTLY? Especially when things go wrong - music has a way of expressing what is in our hearts that mere words just can't. This week at the Byrd Theatre we’re going to continue talking about the story of Jonah and what Jonah does when his life gets turned upside down and inside out. Here’s a hint: it involves a full-blown musical mash-up.
05.21.23 - Anti-Hero: Don't Blame Me
Are you the hero or the villain in your own story? If we are honest, we are not always the hero. Sometimes we blow it. And when we do, we tend to hide. We hide from others. We hide from accountability. We hide from God. In this message, we will look at the heart of God, who seeks after us even when we try to run away from Him.
05.14.23 - Cages: The Right Cage
We all strive to break free from the cages that hold us back - either the ones put on us by family or friends, or the ones we impose on ourselves. But what if true freedom doesn’t come from being free from all constraints? Is there value in placing ourselves in a healthy kind of cage? In this message, we will look at a challenge from Jesus to stick with him and allow his constraints on our lives to help us flourish.
05.07.23 - Cages: Purpose
What is the meaning of life, the universe, and everything? Many people spend their lives seeking an answer to the deepest questions known to mankind, like this one. And what happens if you get the answer wrong? Fortunately for us, the Bible actually answers this question pretty clearly. Join us as we talk about why every day is sacred and full of purpose.
04.30.23 - Cages: Shame
One cage that many of us struggle to escape from is our own shame. We have negative thought patterns that relentlessly pull us down, and we don't know how to be set free. This Sunday, April 30, we will look at how shame can dictate our behavior, the reality of shame, and what the Bible says on how to deal with it.
04.23.23 - Cages: Identity
Many of us struggle to know who we are. We look to our parents, teachers, or friends to tell us - or try to look inside and “find ourselves.” God offers us a better way out of those identity cages. This Sunday, April 23, we will look at the letter of 1st Peter to find out who we truly are.
04.16.23 - Cages: Zoochosis
For all the talk in America about being the land of the free, many of us are not actually free at all. We are more like people who are caged animals. In this message, we will look at what it means to be trapped in a cage and identify some of the cages our culture puts us in. We will also look at the paths of freedom that the Apostle Paul points us to.
04.09.23 - Real Hope
As Easter approaches, it’s easy to hear any of the Jesus story and not believe it. After all, it sounds to us like a myth or a tall tale. There’s nothing new about that. Even the people on the scene when Jesus was crucified and resurrected had difficulty believing it. In this message, we will look at what it looks like to be conflicted and struggling with faith in the midst of doubts.
04.02.23 - Real Conflict
As Easter approaches, it’s easy to hear any of the Jesus story and not believe it. After all, it sounds to us like a myth or a tall tale. There’s nothing new about that. Even the people on the scene when Jesus was crucified and resurrected had difficulty believing it. In this message, we will look at what it looks like to be conflicted and struggling with faith in the midst of doubts.
03.36.23 - Legacy: The Opportunity
Most often, when people talk about legacy, they refer to money. We think of passing money on to our kids or donating money in our will to charity. But we can pass on so much more to the next generation. In this message, we will look at the apostle Paul’s instructions about how people in the church should leverage their resources for the sake of others. And we will see ways that all of us (whether or not we are parents) can make the most of the opportunity to leave a legacy of faith for those who come after us.